Tramy participated in the 5g application competition and won the second prize in ShanghaiPublish Time:2021-10-15 01:22

The Shanghai sub competition of the 4th "blooming Cup" 5g application solicitation competition, with the theme of "double Gigabit innovation and all-round empowerment", is co sponsored by Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Commission, Shanghai Communication Administration, China information and Communication Research Institute and Shanghai Minhang District People's government, and undertaken by Shanghai emerging information and Communication Technology Application Research Institute.

Tramy Group, together with China Telecom Shanghai branch and Wuhan University, participated in the Shanghai sub competition of the fourth "blooming Cup" 5g application competition. The team took "Shanghai  5g smart farmland demonstration project" as the competition case. Starting from June, after preliminary competition and expert preliminary evaluation, the team was officially shortlisted for the finals in August. In the final of the Shanghai sub competition held on September 9, "Shanghai Tramy 5g smart farmland demonstration project" won the second prize of Shanghai for its innovative performance.